Dish Networks Programming Packages Are So Easy To Understand

One thing that is for sure, regardless of what TV programming service provider you choose, is that you must decide on a programming package. This is not as easy as you think, because so many of the programming packages that are out there can be more than a little confusing in their content and pricing and it almost seems like the service providers are trying to bamboozle you in some way.

With Dish Network and their Americas Top series of programming packages, it is so easy and simple because they are all lined up in a row just like ducks marching to a pond together. More and more people

every day are discovering satellite TV programming and what a superior product it is for the money and the net result is that people are abandoning their cable service providers by the minions.

After they have ditched their cable service providers most of them arrive at Dish Network as their final destination, because Dish Network has so many choices in programming and is the unchallenged leader in high definition, with a full thirty-one channels in their list of high definition channels for the new arrivals to select from.

What many people are also surprised to discover is that Dish Network is also top dog of all satellite service providers when it comes to movies. While other service providers have chosen to cater to viewers who are into topics such as sports programming, Dish Network has chosen movies to be the one area that they are dominant in.

The first programming package in the Americas Top programming package series is the Dish Family Pak, with forty great channels of basic programming that makes this package long on programming and so short on price. This would be the package to choose if you are coming over to satellite service on a very tight budget. Along with the forty great channels of programming you also get all your local channels of standard programming with this and any other Dish network programming package.

The next level of programming package up is the Americas Top 60 programming package and just try to guess how many channels it has in it. This package is another budget friendly package, but it contains twenty more channels of fantastic programming.

The next step up in programming package choices is the Americas Top 120 programming package and like the name suggests it has a full one-hundred and twenty channels of programming in it, so you will start to need the custom menu feature on your receiver with this package. Free Sirius satellite radio is also included in this package and every other package up from this